Pain-Free Smoothie

Below, Dr. Mike Seifried introduces the Premier Pain recipe for a natural and great-tasting way to alleviate pain and promote overall health! The Pain-Free Smoothie is a simple recipe that will help reduce inflammation in the body as well as build up immune function. Making this part of your daily or even weekly routine will help reduce inflammation and thus pain and give you more energy!

Below, Dr. Mike Seifried introduces the Premier Pain Management recipe for a natural and great-tasting way to alleviate pain and promote overall health! The Pain-Free Smoothie is a simple recipe that will help reduce inflammation in the body as well as build up immune function. Making this part of your daily or even weekly routine will help reduce inflammation and thus pain and give you more energy!

Key ingredients to the Premier Pain “Pain-Free Smoothie”:

1. Fish oil

2. Probiotic or beneficial bacteria

3. 4,000 I.U. of a liquid D3 supplement

4. A large handful of spinach

5. Half a banana

6. A beet or carrot

7. A lemon or half an orange

8. Two raw eggs

9. A small amount of raw ginger root

10. 2 tsps of apple cider vinegar

11. 1/2 cup water

Feel free to experiment by adding your favorite fruits or exchanging some of the fruit ingredients above. Let us know how you feel after a week on the Pain-Free Smoothie and contact us if you are experiencing chronic or acute pain to see how we can get you back to a better quality of life!

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